Laravel is built to be simple, easy to learn and supports rapid application development. Laravel has many features that make rapid application development possible. In Laravel get a rich set of features to bring any large scale project to life within days.
Laravel comes with its own templating engine named “Blade.” The best thing about Blade is that it allows writing plain PHP in the templates which essentially means that Blade brings no performance overheads to the application.
Laravel team has recently released “Lumen,” a micro PHP framework for the web developers who like to build lightning fast API’s as well as Laravel based services. Below are few important features to consider Laravel as development Framework.
Restful Routing makes easy to manage all the client/server routes and connects resources smoothly.
Inherent Database Version control
A lightweight Blade Templating Engine that is powerfully driven by template inheritance of files.
Composer – A fantastic tool that lets to manage the application’s third-party packages efficiently.
Comes bundled with Eloquent – An ORM that offers a simple ActiveRecord implementation to work with the databases
Built-in unit testing and simply readable impressive syntax
Intelligently designed to provide incredible flexibility to developers that help them create each and everything from small sites to large enterprise applications.
All these features and community backed support makes Laravel an excellent PHP Framework to build any application. Below are few major reasons why you should consider us to develop your Laravel application.
Diverse, Expert and highly Experienced team
Thorough understanding of business goals and pulse on the Industry and the User
Great design sense and ultimate UI/UX experience
Combination of Creativity and Passion for web development
Team is highly Organized and plans everything
We invest heavily in internal training and processes
We Understand your time is valuable so always complete projects promptly
Understands the security vulnerabilities and constant upgrading ourselves against new threats
High testing standards
Can build complex and agile applications
Cost effective
Can manage any hosting environment
Follows best industry practices
Excellent support system